Ankit Verma, a standout figure in the world of magic, has been mesmerizing audiences since February 2004. Born and raised in the enchanting city of Kolkata and now based in bustling Mumbai, Ankit brings a perfect blend of tradition and innovation to his performances. Proudly belonging to a long line of magicians, with his father boasting 50 years in the craft, Ankit has carved his own path, amassing an impressive record of over 2500 shows. Recognized as one of the Leading Magicians in India, his versatile skills encompass Magic Shows, Mentalism, Mind Reading Displays, and Game Hosting, making him a sought-after entertainer for a variety of events, from Corporate Entertainment to Private Parties and exclusive Bollywood gatherings. Ankit not only captivates audiences but also shares his magical wisdom as a respected Magic Coach for both Bollywood and Hollywood, adding another dimension to his illustrious career. Join Ankit Verma on an enchanting journey where every performance is a testament to his dedication and passion for the magical arts.